Photo Benda. – Budapest: Ab Ovo, 1999. – 94. p.
The Living Jerusalem / Iván Benda. – Budapest: Szabad Föld Könyvkiadó, 2003. – 127 p. The Living Jerusalem / Edited by Bend Art; Translation Éva Nagy. – Budapest: Photo Benda, 2003. – 127 p. PHOTOGRAPHY and PUBLISHING CONTRIBUTIONS Imre Makovecz exhibition at the Vienna Stadtinitiative Gallery: Vienna - from 18th.March to30th May, 1991. Selection of Imre Makovecz’s writings 1984-1988. /zsgest. János Gerle with help of Ágnes Trásy ; Photos Iván Benda, László Geleta, János Gerle ; Translated by Ágnes Trásy et al. – Budapest : „Török Sándor” Waldorf-Pedagogical Foundation, 1991. – 40 p. Building a School: The introduction of the Sándor Török Waldorf-pedagogical Foundation. – Editor in chief and photos: Ivan Benda, assisted by Ildikó Bai et al. Budapest: Sándor Török Waldorf-pedagogical Foundation 1992. [16.] p. Centenary (centennial) Yearbook of the German Nationality School and Art School of Pilisszentiván: 1894-1994 / edited by Attila Fogarasi; assisted by Iván Benda et.al / preface by László Szilvásy / Pilisszentiván: German Nationality School and Art School of Pilisszentiván: Cultural Foundation of the Pilis-basin, 1994.-131 p. – (Pikula Books) May Sculpture Festival: Pécs, House of Arts, 1994. May, Tata, Domokos Kuny Museum, 1995. July. / Catalogue Layout by Károly Schmal / photos contributed by Iván Benda, László Körtvélyesi / - Budapest: Első Magyar Látványtár Alapítvány, [1996]. – 26, [5] p: ill. – (Az Első Magyar Látványtár Alapítvány kiállítása = Exhibition of the First Hungarian Art & Artifact Repository Foundation 6.) Budapest Kongresszusi Központ = Budapest Convention Centre = Budapest Kongreß Zentrum / edited and collected by László Fekete és József Tar; photos by BKK Archív and Iván Benda. – Budapest: Tar Grafikai Stúdió, 1996. – 48 p. Yearbook of the Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Junior High School - 1994-1995 / edited by Andruskó Dénesné et al.]; [photo: Iván Benda] – Budapest: Százszorszép K., [1996] 51 p. Memorial Album, 1897-1997: a százéves évfordulóra (commemorating the centenary) Szinyei Merse Pál Elementary and High School); [edited by Gábor Jáki] ; [photos: Iván Benda, Hildegárd Fáy , Tibor Mester ]. – [Budapest]: Szinyei Merse Pál Általános Iskola és Gimnázium, 1997. – 228 p., [16] t. The big-mouse manual (A nagy-egér kézikönyv) / edited by Judit Pataki, Margit Szoboszlai . – Budapest: Compaq Ab Ovo, 1998. – 155 p. National Theater of Győr 98/99: [The 1998-99-theatrical season] / [edited by Benkő József] ; [photos by Iván ]. – Győr: Győri Nemzeti Színház, 1998. – 52 p. National Theater of Győr1999-2000: seasonal publication / edited by József Benkő; photos by Iván Benda / – Győr: Győri Nemzeti Színház, 1999. – 40 p. Bread and rose for all („Mindenkinek kenyér és rózsa”): Exhibition Catalogue: [opening exhibition of the First Hungarian Art & Artifact Repository Foundation at Tapolca -Diszel), 28th, June 1997-31st. May 1998. / co-edited by Zsuzsanna Simon and Ákos Vörösváry / studies by Sándor Radnóti, György Szegő / photos by Iván Benda et al. / Budapest: Első Magyar Látványtár Alapítvány, 1999. – 63 p.: ill., partly in color. – (Az Első Magyar Látványtár katalógusai 7.) Raszternyak: Another novel from Paris / Dezső Tandori; [drawings: Dezső Tandori; Photos: Iván Benda]. – [Budapest]: Ab Ovo, 2000. – 250, [3] p., [32] t. Theatrical Days at the Soros Studio: within the frameworks of the Budapest Autumn Festival, from 15th to 29th October, 2000. / edited by István L. Sándor; photos by Iván Benda et al. – Budapest: Soros Alapítvány (the Soros Foundation), 2000. – 30 p.: ill. The works of Péter Korniss: documents, 1961-2001 / selected by Márta Daróczi Kiss / edited by Magdolna Kolta / photos: Iván Benda, János Bánhalmi / Kecskemét: Magyar Fotográfiai Múzeum (Museum of the Hungarian Photography), 2001. – 243, (1) p.: ill. (A Magyar fotográfia forrásai1.) Sergei Prokofiev: Romeo et Juliette. Győr: National Ballet, 18, 19, 20, 21 Hungarian memories in Italy – by László Csorba; [photos by: Iván Benda et al.]. – Budapest: Benda Foto, 2003. – 261 p. ill.
Review: Italy, France and the Hungarians In: Európai Utas, 2003. 4. 16. p. Ricordi ungheresi in Italia / László Csorba ; [foto Iván Benda et al.] ; [trad. Lavinia Sándor e László Sztanó]. – [Budapest] : Benda Foto, 2003. – 261 p. 25 years of The National Theater of Győr: 1978-2003 / [editor-in-chief: György Korcsmáros] [editorial board. József Bana et al.];[photos: Iván Benda et al.]. – Győr: [Győri Nemzeti Színház], 2003. – 405 p: ill. A soul encompassed by dance: 25 years in the embrace of the Győr Ballet / Barbara Bombicz; [photos by András Bánkuti , Iván Benda]. – In: Győr: Hazánk Könyvkiadó, 2004. – 299 p. István Bubik at the stars: anthem, nimbus, myth: For the Hungarian Art / Lajos Gubcsi, Anikó Gubcsi; [photos: Iván Benda et al.]. – Budapest: GL-4 Kft, 2005. – 128 p. : ill. Erzsébet Reindl: Notes on the mills in and around Tapolca / Photo: Iván Benda et al. – Első Magyar Látványtár Alapítvány (First Hungarian Art & Artifact Repository Foundation): [Budapest], 2007. – 58 p.: ill.
Othello: Iván Benda’s photo report. In: Operaélet, 11. 2002. 1. 19. p. Easter: The feast of resurrection in Jerusalem / text by Csaba Kustár; photos by Iván Benda. In: National Geographic Magyarország, [3.] 2005. március, [64]-[77.] p. Turandot : Iván Benda’s photo report. In: Operaélet, 15. 2006. 2. 16-17.p.
The Seventies: Iván Benda photographer – Budapest : Efédoszsz Nyomda, 1993. – 61. p.
Zoltán Szabó: [A violin hangs…] 4-5. p.
Photo Benda: Israel – Palestine – The Holy Land / catalogue layout by Károly Schmal ; translated by Nagy Éva. – Budapest, [2001.]. – 18 p.
László Csorba: Felmegyünk Jeruzsálembe = Going up to Jerusalem2-3. p. Iván Benda’s photographs at the Bet Ariela Cultural Center, December 18, 2002–March 18, 2003., Rishon Le’Zion Performing Arts Center March 25, 2003–April 30, 2003. / Curator Ewa Lieber ; Design Lahav Halevy ; Translation Daria Kassovsky.– 2003. – 34 p. BOOK COVERS Győző Határ: Our basic truths (Nagardzsuna): Workshop bits and pieces from a philosophical aphorism. - [Budapest] : Szabad Föld Kiadó, 2003. Tamás Vekerdy: Dreams and nightmares: Founding of a school in Hungary. - Budapest: T-Twins Kiadó, 1992. – (Magyarország felfedezése – Exploring Hungary) Avri Róbert Shacham: Home – at home. – Szeged : Bába Kiadó, 2004. György Gábor: Sinai and Jabneh: Faith and knowledge in the Jewish tradition: - Budapest: Jószöveg Műhely, 2005. Péter Buda – György Gábor: A free church in a free state: essays and publications on religion and ecclesiastical policy - Budapest: Jószöveg Műhely, 2006. Gyula Rugási: Dialogue of epochs: Spiritual identity of Jews. - Budapest: Jószöveg Műhely, 2006. Gyula Rugási – Bálint Somlyói (editor): Songs of the staircases: Essays on the occasion of the 60th birthday of György Tatár. - Budapest: Jószöveg Műhely, 2007.
Budapest Congress Centre 1995. – [Budapest]: Bend Art Studio, 1994.
Duna Plaza 1995.
The Holy Land 2002. – [Budapest] : Szabad Föld Lap- és Könyvkiadó, 2001. Dance forever 2002. – [Budapest] : Szabad Föld Lap- és Könyvkiadó, 2001. The world of ancient Olympics: The year of the Athens olympics 2004. – [Budapest]: Szabad Föld Lap- és Könyvkiadó, 2003. Photo: Iván Benda 2008 / Graphic design by Gellért Áment. – [Budapest]: Bend-art, 2007. REVIEWS (Books, magazines about Iván Benda’s works, exhibitions etc) Ric: It all started with a chandelier: Photo Exhibition of Iván Benda. - In: Napi Magyarország, 3. 1999. 115. 11. p.
Colours and pictures. - In: Figyelő, 44. 2000. 15. 61. p [A résumé of the exhibition held in Rátkai Club]
György Gábor: The look of history: Photo Exhibition of Iván Benda titled “Jerusalem”. Palazzo Falconieri (Hungarian Academy in Rome, 2nd May-16th June) In: Balkon, 2001. 6-7. 43-44.p.
Marietta Nagy: Iván Benda’s exhibition on Jerusalem in Rome. In: DigitalCity, 2001. 2nd May.
Hungarian Photo Exhibition in Tel-Aviv. In: Breuerpress International, 2002. december 17. 13:34
A Hungarian Photo Exhibition (Péter Breuer reports that a traveling exhibition is taking place in Tel Aviv and two other Israeli cities, featuring works of photographer Iván Benda.) In: Budapest Online Budapest Hírportál, 2002. december 17. kedd 14:42. Iván Benda photographer in Israel again. In: Új Kelet (Tel Aviv), 2002. december 13. 13. p. Iván Benda photographer’s seventy masterpieces at the Bet Ariella Gallery. In: Új Kelet (Tel Aviv), 2002. december 20. 12. p.
Photos of Iván Benda. In: Népszabadság, 60. 2002. 296. 21. p. Eloisa Conelli: The Ballet of Győr and the Hungarian photography. In: Il Giornale d’ Italia, 2004. dicembre 15. 18. p. (Ivan Benda Mostra fotografia sul Balletto di Gyor. Accademia d’ Ungheria, Via Giulia 1.)
Rome Exhibition of Iván Benda. In: Magyar Hírlap, 37. 2004. 272. 9. 21. p.
15 years of the Ballet of Győr – Benda Iván Benda’s photographs at the Hungarian Academy in Rome. In: Irodalmi Internet Napló, 2004. 12. 09. Júlia N. Mészáros: Homage to the Masters : Iván Benda photographer’s exhibition at the gallery of the city’s Art Museum. In: Győri Múzsa, 4. 2002. 11-12. 44-45. p.
Sándor Radnóti: The Orthodox Jews. In: Élet és Irodalom, 49. 2005. 35. György Gábor: Between Earth and Sky: Benda Iván Benda’s two photo calendars. In: Abszolút tenger : Studies, essays, critiques. – Budapest: Semmelweis Kiadó, 2006. – 88-91. p. György Gábor: The look of the history. In: Abszolút tenger : Studies, essays, critiques. – Budapest: Semmelweis Kiadó, 2006. – 92-98. p. In the eternal embrace of the three Religions of the World / reportage by János Pozsgay. In: 62. Kisalföld, 2007. 82. Húsvét ünnepi melléklet 18. p.
Iván Benda’s photo exhibition in Rome. 2004. december 9- In: Terasz.hu, 2004. december
Péter Breuer: Photo Exhibition in Rome. In: Zalaegerszeg Online, 2004. december 8. szerda 10:06.
15 years of the Ballet of Győr – Iván Benda’s photos at the Hungarian Academy in Rome. In: Artnet, 2004. december 9. csütörtök
Tamás Janzsó: The living Jerusalem: Benda Iván Benda’s photos at the Németvölgyi Elementary School. In: Hegyvidék, 35. 2005. 21. 16. p.
(r.t.): A photo-artist’s pictures in three schools of Zugló. In: Zuglói Lapok, 16. 2006. 2. 9. p.
Nitra – Exhibition of the Hungarian photographer Iván Benda at the Synagogue. In: Ludové Noviny (online), 2007. februára 3.
Individual Exhibitions: The Seventies. Org.: László Fekete. Budapest Congress Centre, from November 1993–. January 1994.
Olympia. Org.: Adrienn Sereg. Németvölgyi Elementary School 16th. October–December 1995.
Pitypang Gallery, Budapest. 1996.
Photo Benda. Org.: László Fekete. Budapest Congress Centre, Budapest. 19th. May–19th. June 1999 Theatrical photos and actor’s portraits of Iván Benda. National Theater of Győr, from 14th. June1999. (at the time of the Theater Festival) Dance – theater - concert. Rátkai Klub, Budapest. April 2000. Faces of Israel. Bálint Zsidó Közösségi Ház, Budapest. November 2000. Jerusalem of the photographer Iván Benda. L’Accademia d’Ungheria in Roma. 2ndMay – 18th June 2001. Wall calendar show of photographer Iván Benda . Org.: László Fekete. Libri Könyvpalota, Budapest. 6th December 2001. – 2nd January 2002. Collected works exhibition of photographer Iván Benda. Life-work exhibition. Org.: N. Júlia Mészáros and Ákos Vörösváry. Városi Művészeti Múzeum Képtára, Győr. 18th May. –7th July 2002. Between Earth and Sky. Művelődési Ház, Bódvaszila, 20th. August – September 2002. (4th. Szilas Day) Iván Benda Photographs.Org.: Ewa Lieber. Bet Ariella Cultural Center, Tel Aviv. 18th December 2002. – 18th. March 2003. Presentation of the Olympics Calendar. Hélia Hotel, Budapest. 2003. (Session of the Hungarian Olympic Committee) Iván Benda Photographs. Org.: Ewa Lieber. Rishon Le’Zion Performing Arts Center, 25th March – 30th April 2003.
Chianciano Terme, Italy. 29th June – 4th. July 2004.
Ivan Benda – La compagnia di balletto di Gyor. R.: Accademia d’Ungheria – Palazzo dei Falconieri, Rome. 9th December 2004. – 9th January 2005. The living Jerusalem. Hungarian Cultural, Scientific and Information Center, Moscow, 18th April – 18th May 2005. The Broadway of Győr (1993–2005) – Photo Exhibition of Iván Benda . National Theater of Győr 23th – 26th. June 2005. The living Jerusalem – Photo Exhibition of Iván Benda . Spinoza Ház, Budapest. 29th August – 29th September 2005. Contemporary art: music and dance. Kodály Zoltán Musical Elementary School, High School and Music School. Budapest. 9th – 19th November 2005. The living Jerusalem. Plovdiv, Balabanov House, City Gallery, Exhibition Hall of the Painter’s Society. 14th – 31st October 2005. (International Photo Meeting at Plovdiv) The living Jerusalem. Hungarian Cultural Institute in Sofia. 22nd November 2005. Tornabarakony – A Hungarian village. Németh Imre Elementary School, Budapest XIV., 16th. – 20th January 2006. Tornabarakony – A Hungarian village. Széchenyi István Elementary School, Budapest XIV:, January 2006. Olympic photos. Dr. Mező Ferenc Elementary School, Budapest XIV., 2006. The venues of the ancient Olympics. Hajós Alfréd Hungarian-German Bilingual Elementary School, Zugló, Budapest XIV. 2nd – 9th. February 2006.
Dance-dance-dance. Tomori Pál Elementary School. Budapest XIII., March 2006.
The living Jerusalem. Ruse, Dohodno Zdanie. March 2006. The living Jerusalem. Exhibition of Iván Benda photographer. Szent István High School, Budapest. April 2006. The living Jerusalem. Org.: Lauder Javne Jewish Community Pre-school, Elementary and High School and Art Pedagogical Institution, Budapest. May – June 2006.
Jerusalem. Org.: Budai Sport Elementary School’s Alma Gallery. 28th November 2006. 9th January 2007..
Tornabarakony – The life of a Hungarian village. Károlyi István High School, Budapest. 15th – 20th January 2007. Iván Benda: Jerusalem. Org.: Iván Benda. Synagóga, Nitra. 6th – 28th February 2007. Iván Benda’s photo exhibition. Org.: Benda Iván. Toldy Ferenc High School Budapest. 18th – 27th April 2007. Jerusalem. Táncsics Mihály Elementary and High School, Budapest XVI., 12th December 2006. – January 2007. Easter in Jerusalem. Austrian Hospice of the Holy Family, Jerusalem. April – June 2007. The Holy Land. Ramallah (Palestine) 28th. October – December 2007. The Holy Land. Bethlehem (Palestine), cultural centre, February - April 2008.
Erotica. Ipszilon Gallery, Szentendre, 1996. „… With thy playful curly smoke dost, Gaily sorrows mine dispel. ...” Org.: Ákos Vörösváry. Dobó István Castle Museum, Eger, 8th November 1996. – January 1997. Twenty years of The Ballet of Győr. National Theater of Győr, 29th October 1999. – Subjective. (Photo in Artifact Repository I.) Org.: István Steffanits és Ákos Vörösváry. Exhibition House of the First Hungarian Art and Artifact Depository, Tapolca-Diszel, 26th. June 1999. – 31st May 2000. 10 years of the Budapest Congress Centre. Org.: Budapest Congress Centre. 13th May - May Pictures of “Tükör” (Mirror). Org.: István Steffanits and Ákos Vörösváry. Exhibition House of the First Hungarian Art and Artifact Depository, Tapolca-Diszel, Tapolca-Diszel. 2002 29th June 2002 – 31st May 2003. Sándor Altorjai Memorial Exhibition. Org.: Kinga Gyökér és Ákos Vörösváry. K. Petrys House, Budapest. 16th December 2003. – 15th February 2004. The dance in photographic art. Org.: János Eifert. Veszprém Art Festival, 8th – 12th May 1998. / National Theater of Győr, (First Hungarian Dance Festival), 15th – 21st May 1998. / Bauxit Cultural Centre, Tapolca, (Art Summer at Tapolca), 9th – 20th July 1998. Szín-terek (Colours and Spaces). Org.: Iván Benda and László Fekete. Thália Theater, Budapest. June 2000.(Within the framework of national theatrical festival, with Zsuzsa Koncz) WEB-PAGES featuring IVÁN BENDA’s exhibitions (short reviews).
Exhibition of Iván Benda (photos of prof. Péter Molnár) Toldy Ferenc High School
The living Jerusalem – Photo Exhibition of Iván Benda. Hungarian Cultural Institute, Sofia. 22nd November 2005 Tuesday 17:30. 7th March – 20th April 2006.
Photo Exhibition Opening on the day of Jerusalem.
Tornabarakony – The life of a Hungarian village. Károlyi István High School. 15th – 20th January 2007.
Exhibition. Tomori Pál Elementary School. Budapest, March 2006. http://www.tomori.hu/hirlevapr.htm
The Ballet of Győr. Exhibition at the Hungarian Academy in Rome, 9th December 2004 – 20th January 2005.
The Broadway of Győr (1993-2005)
The Living Jerusalem. Plovdiv, Balabanov House, City Gallery, Exhibition Hall of the Painter’s Society. 14th – 31st October 2005. (International Photo Meeting at Plovdiv) ONLINE DOCUMENTS
Iván Benda: The living Jerusalem
The sad fortune of some water-mills in the Upper-Balaton Region: Water-mills of the Valley of the Eger-brook. (15 photos). In: National Geographic Magyarország [Online]
[Iván Benda: Mea Searim, The guard of the church, a Benedictine Nun. [3 photos] In: balkon.hu
The Feast of Resurrection in Jerusalem: Jerusalem and the Christianity (16). In: National Geographic Magyarország [Online]
The Feast of Resurrection in Jerusalem. (17 photos) In: videoplayer.hu
Easter – The Feast of Resurrection in Jerusalem / written by Csaba Kunstár; photographs by Iván Benda In: National Geographic [Online] The Inauguration of the Holy Grave Church in Jerusalem / written by Enikő Kun. In: National Geographic Magyarország [Online], 16th September 2005. http://www.geographic.hu/index.phpact=napi & rov=5 & id=5627
-zéta–: Be one of the audience! (The Turandot in Győr) / photos by Iván Benda. In: Cafe Momus, 2006. 03. 20.
Autumn in the graveyard on Fiume Road (15 photos). In: National Geographic Magyarország [Online]
A forgotten jewelry box of the socialist fine art: Inota, Béke Cultural House (17 photos) / text by Szimonetta Szekér. In: National Geographic Magyarország [Online]