
COUNTRIES, CULTURES, HISTORY / Israel, Holy Land, Palestina / Christians / The Via Dolorosa, The Way of Sorrow / The Way of Sorrow- First Station

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The Way of sorows, Calvary, first station. El-Omarija muslim school. Jerusalem Wia Dolorosa.  It was the Antonia Fortress, tuday muslim scool.
It Was the Antonia Fortress. First Station. This route, followed by the world's orthodox Christians, led from the Antonia fortress, where Jesus apperaed before Pilate and was condemned, out ti Calvary. The Way of sorows, Calvary, The Calvary I. Station. It was the Antonia Fortress, tuday muslim scool.
The Way of Sorrow, First Station, the Chapel of the Flagellation where tradition holds that Jesus was interrogated by Pilate. The Franciscans begin their weekly procession through the Stations of the Cross here, on Friday afternoons. The Way of Sorrow, First Station, the Chapel of the Flagellation where tradition holds that Jesus was interrogated by Pilate. The Franciscans begin their weekly procession through the Stations of the Cross here, on Friday afternoons. The Way of Sorrow, First Station, the Chapel of the Flagellation where tradition holds that Jesus was interrogated by Pilate. The Franciscans begin their weekly procession through the Stations of the Cross here, on Friday afternoons.

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the Chapel of the Flagellation where tradition holds that Jesus was interrogated by Pilate. The Franciscans and Pilgrim's begin their weekly procession through the Stations of the Cross here, on Friday afternoons. This modest chapel was built on the site of a Crusader oratory. Inside are glass panel representing the scourging of Jesus (center), Pilate cleansing his hands of the blood of the innocent (left), and the liberation of Barabas (right).

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